The Daily American from Somerset, Pennsylvania (2024)

i vy BaYid To Play POTHQ IT A VI? 7 SOMERSET (M) AMERICAN iy LILIAN' CAMFBEll Ctnfrol tots WrHr PAoiin: TODAY'S 'GRAB BAG Throughout East FEBRUARY IS, 1041 A LENIN SHRINE AGRICULTURE EXTENSION' NEWS IflflMBEIiPtnA (INS) The Zakopane iff) Poles have iirf tsiates navy band will, dis- csm-Dusnea a museum in a little vuaici at ine root of the Tatra moun irs talents throoghout six mid-Atlantic and New -England stated year. PONTIAC KO ROYH. SHAULIS SON uuns near. Zakopane where Lenin once uvea. BEES school days when he played Bhy-lock in The Merchant of Venice and caught his beard in the stage door.

Alan played' it for comedy and has been playing the same way ever since: Alan has been In stock, the Provlncetown Players and sea plays by Eugene O'Neill, also manager and production chief of a theater. In ine Russian Communist leader Icutenant Commander Charles uJVr' directs the musicians wrote many of his articles In the village of Poronln from 1912 to 1914. lieCA'urney to Pennsylvania. New In traveling over the county it Is surprising to notice how many colonies (I bees there are located in the orchards, around the barn, and along ww York, Connecticut. 'Rhode polish Communists have preserved hd and -MasGachusctts from ADrtl VI THE ANSWER, QUICKI 1.

What is the difference bc-ween a long and a short ton? 2. Where do we find the line, "On that shore dimly soen through the' mists of the deepf' I 3.. What Justice of the ynl-ted States Supreme Court resigned to be a candidate for the presidency and later became sec retary of state? Government' Securities of "what country are known as con-sols? 5. For sports event, is Henley-on-the-Thames? England, famous? many of Lenin's writings. Thousands May 731.

ine garden fence. This u.auite a oi foies visit the museum every an nother tour, which win bring the nwersary vof Lenin's death when his present role his son, Alan, Ltzeable industry in itself and deserves recognition as such; The extension service of Penna. State college UOED CADO memorial services are held Ihrouehout 10 nine souuien-siern states has scheduled for the fall. trt sometimes piays nia rauio son. roiana.

Inrough the local office, makes avail IT HAPPENED TODAY able information which can be sent egularly to those who are Interested in bee keeping. There is much good PICK YOURS TODAY FROM OUR SELECTED STOCK CONVENIENT TERMS ARRANGED SUGGESTIONS FROM THE fed umeiy lniormatlon in these letters concerning tne, handling of bees and -A A marketing of honey from time to time. Ai present, the county office does not BUY HERE WITH CONFIDENCE ve an up-to-date inauuielist for On Feb. 18, the Golden Gate International Exposition was opened on Treasure island, San Francisco. Join Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" waa published in 1678, on this day of the month.

Nicolas Copernicus, Polish found-' er of modern astronomy, was born in 1473. Albert Payson Terhune noted tiled on Feb. 17, 1942. those interested in receiving such in. iormation.

If you are a bee keeper, or know of someone who is interested WALEEEn DUICH CO. S63 W. Main St. SOMERSET, PA. Phone 894 in bees, we would' aDDreciate verv much your dropping us a card, tell YOUR FUTURE Be sure to be right on the job now, taking care or your most Important current Interests.

It Is advised that you do not overlook any chances that come your way to strengthen your standing and credit. You should 'experience a busy, happy year when you may make changes if they seem desirable. Today's child very probably will be quick, active, determined, original and clever. ing the- niune and address you Bakery Department Ex-stock actress Ex-seaman JOBS UPON A TIME Deborah Kerr, screen star, was born in Scotland, at Helensburgh, and after her father's death, went on the stage to help the family finances. Deborah had studied at a ballet school in her native land, and in 1939 went on the stage in repertory.

She was discovered by Great Britain's famous- Gabriel Pascal; who gave her a small part In Afoor Barbara, which she followed by a irilllant characterization in I-oife on the Date. After Btocfc Narcissus, and The Hucksters In Hollywood, Deborah returned to England with husband Tony Bartlett, to await the stork. Alan Reed, who plays the role of Pasquale on radio's Life With Luiai. a Sunday night comedy, IN THE went on tne list. Another valuable service along this line that the Extension Office renders, Is to provide specialists ho will discuss with you any problems you have or.

bee keeping. Arrangements have been made to have Wm. W. Clarke7 of the Extension service, here In Somerset County on March 1st tot tha purpose of discussing these problems with interested men and women at a meeting which will be held on that evening at 8:00 o'clock in the Court House. It would be wise for everyone Interested to attend and Attention Motorists! SAFETY GLASS For All Oars.

Installed while yea wait Wt specialise la fliting iMUllior. we aw (enuia Llbbr-Owens-Ford GUk AP SUPER MARKET IT'S BEEN SAID To seek the truth, for the sake jf knowing the truth, to one of the noblest objects a man can live for. Dean Inge. MODERN MANNERS Tnere is no need to knock tohlsn you enter the door of a business office. Just opin the door md walk in.

This does not refer to a business office door marfced "private," however. HOW'D YOU MAKE OUTh 1. Two hundred, and forty pounds. A long ton is 2,240 pounds; short ton is 2,000 pounds. 2.

The Star-Spangled by Francis Scott Key. 3.. Charles Evans Hughes. 4. England.

5. The annual, boat racing rt- SOMERSET, PA; FREE ESTIMATES 3 bring along his own individual sit has filled almost as many jobs in uatlon to discuss this with Mr. Clarke. TURKEY PRODUCERS Penna. turkey growers report that they raise 14 more turkeys In eorge Washington Layer Cake HAPPY BIRTHDAY Andres Segovia, Spanish gul tar 1st; Dane Clark and Adolphe Menjou, motion picture 1 actors, and Joe Gordon, Cleveland Indians second baseman, should have birthday candles on their cake today.

OITMT ON ANT JOB LABQI OB SMAU FRIED ENS AUTO WRECKERS Phoas T4iwa (or Ertnhif Appoutmeats his private life as he has portrayed character roles on the air. He has teen everything, from a champion wrestler to a brass polisher on a transatlantic liner. Alan got his preparation for characterization during his grammar i nis was tneir estimate as of January 1. Over the entire VS. plans eorge Washington Cup Cakes are lor an increase of 25.

Of course, there, is still7 time for producers to Igatt. --il 59 6 for 39c 49 49c cnange tneir minds and decrease their number. Much work will depend on feed prices, cost of poults and hatching eggs, as well as the of Seorge Washington Log Cake ROYAL NAVY UNDERTAKES hatching eggs available on the small Pennsylvania Fann Roundup Jane Parker Cherry Pies numbc; of breeders' farms. To) 9(3 SECRET MISSION Turkey producers have a right to give serious thought as to their 1949 LONDON, (INS) Six British na nock, a future meeting is being plan val ships a Jet-plane carrier, an HARRI8BURG (INS) Farm anu-suomarme ingate and an oiler spokesmen today pushed legislation to lilt the state casoune lax irom meis ned for the turkey growers of Somerset county March 15, with Poultry Extension specialist. Harry Kauffman, of Penna.

State college. More details will be given on this meeting at a later are in the Arctic seas on a secret mission to find out if the navy can fight effectively that far north during the used in farm machinery ana vemcies not used on highways. Two house bills beiore tne ways ana winter. The admiralty has announced that the experimental force will cruise for means committee, wouia lorce tne oate. DATES TO REMEMBER County-wide senior extension meet revenue denartment to reimourse six weeks in the North Atlantic and farmers for the gasoline taxes they ing at the Somerset county library, DAIRY PRODUCTS Arctic to test the effects of very cold feoruary it, p.m.

w. R. Gordon, paid lor fuels used in tneir non-nign wav machinery. weauier on men, snips, and weapons. iturai sociologist, main speaker.

vengeance, a too-ton light air Ren. Francis Woriey, (B) or Aaama, February 22 at 1 :30 the Art- DOlnted out gasoline taxes go into uiciai Breeding cooperative will hold craft carrier with a specially selected air group equipped for Arctic flying lb. 32c lb. 71c tneir Annual Mtg. at the Court House, Dixie Oleo Swift's.

Butter Fresh Eggs, large Long Horn Cheese maintaining and cuiimnj tne swie highways and said there was no ana 'jet pianes, wui lead tne lorce. Psychologists, civilian scientists, and A district potato meeting is scheduled for February 24 at Indiana, Fenna. at 10:00 a.m. Many growers reason whv larmers should De "pen lb. 47c admiralty experts In punnery.

engine allzed" by paying levies on gas used ering, electronics, and torpedoes also in Somerset county are interested In In engines restricted to tne iarm. wui sail. Woriey said he had an alternate Bisquick 2'. lb. pkg.

47c Court House Coffee lb. 39c Nabisco Shredded Wheat, 2 pgks 31c Salmon 1-lb. can 64c Navy Beans 2 lbs. 25c Cigarettes, all brands, carton 1.89 Pillsbury Flour 25 lbs. 1,89 Jumbo Peanut Butter 2 lbs.

69c Pond Lily Fruit co*cktail oz. can 18c Pond Lily Peaches oz. can 13c The ships will be lined with ma this and plans are being made by them to attend this district meeting. Those to be present are: Dr. O.

D. Burke, plan, not worked out at present, wmcn nit Mi terials, to insulate cold. The men will PRODUCE Green Peppers provides larmers with gasoline not wear the new light-weight Arctic Dr. Mills, R. B.

Donaldson, and E. J. Udlne. taxed for highway purposes. He suggested a distinctive coloration might lb.

19c doz. 39c 1 suits, six layers of clothing from string vests to outer overalls of waterproof Florida Oranges, 176's Carrots be practical. RADIO Somerset county extension office has cloth. 2 bchs. 19c Informed sources on the mil in A special Arctic diet will include dicated, however, that a law exempt for a number of years been broad Rome Beauty Apples 3 lbs.

29c chicken, steak, pork, bacon, tongue, NOMI APPLIANCES tY casting over the Greensburg station WJI.J.E. It Is r.nrimi tn thrwp whc eggs, and iruit juices. ing farmers from the gasoline tax would be unconstitutional. Meanwhile Philadelphia Democrat AVAILABLE NOW! MMAZOO. The effects on the men and on their rift t.faa hrnaffoactfnir ftnri Vimir mantr i eguiar listeners there are.

Agricul MEATS Crescent Sliced Bacon clothing will come in for close and detailed observation by the surgeons and tiiral and home economics news lb. 49c t- .11 am A The Royal Canadian navy, alter given on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Why not tune in and see what your local representatives have in the Sirloin Steak Pond Lily Cherries, 8 oz. can 20c Armour's Milk 4 for 49c F'kes Hating Appliance Co. Sen.

Anthony J. Disilvestro sponsored a bill to create four annual scholarships for students at Pennsylvania State college desiring to take advanced courses in' agriculture, horticulture and -silviculture In foreign countries. The measure called for a state ap-Drom-lation of $16,000 in the next twe id. ii. amphibious exercises In the eub-Artic last autumn, decided that "war Plate Boil lb.

29C I line of Information for the rural list fare in the Arctic Is almost impos eners. sible." LOCAIXY GROWN RED TTirnirnimMBimiii Ut Main St SOMERSET, PA. Phone 643 CLOVER SEED PREFERRED years to provide $2,000 scholarships Home-grown red clover seed may for four persons eacn year. Disilvestro said the scholarships not be so bright and attractive as some would be awarded by the college pro commercial lots, but it is more likely vided each student accepting a scnoi to be adapted to local conditions, in 1 arshin nromised to spend not less cluding disease resistance. However, the supply of home-grown seed seldom than one year overseas and after the student's return he Is willing to spend another year oh experimental work at eouals the demand.

Hence, efforts have been made to develop and com' mercialize superior strains of red Penn State. i ill i i a vri Chrysler Plymouth SALES SERVICE Complete Service on All Cars BODY FENDER WORK TOWING ROY S. WALKER SON Another measure Introduced in thi I I I clover which will be adapted to special conditions. lower chamber would put farm labor on the eligibility list for unemploy Cumberland was developed for con ment comoensation. ditions common to southern Penna, tuc i i 1 1 jijxj Mr ivjs w-yf --i w- -r? Westmoreland Democrats Reps It has been quite satisfactory, and even farther north appearshardy.

Kenland, a new strain with similar Charles J. Mills and David H. Weiss co-sponsored the bill which actually takes out of the existing law a section Patriot St A S. Colombia Ave. SOMIRSI adaptation, is not yet generally avail able.

Midland was developed for con Phone IN specifically excluding agricultural la bor. ditions which prevail in northern Penna. Mammoth red clover, also has Tlmelv Mds for the farm the de superior strains but none is recognized ooooooooooooooooooooo wr mwisivii mand for vegetables this year should In the seed trade. Many potato growers and cash crop equal that of 1948 and most growers will continue run production, accora- farmers who do not keep livestock recognize the need for legume sods lns to R. B.

Donaldson, Penn State i i i esc at frequent lntervnls to maintain fer marketing specialist, but ne cauuons tility. Some of them are making this soil Improvement crop pay its way agaist over-production in some crops. ewes which will lamb this SDrine may need grain in tneir bv combining a crop of clover seed ration, starting now and working up This leaves all top and most root growth on the land and requires very gradually to about a pound or mixea oats and corn daily per animal, said W. B. Connell, state livestock expert.

little labor. Farmers interested in the produc lion of clover seed should by all I Gas Water Heater JIX. JAPAN'S TRIALS means start with a local strain of pioven merit, or with one of the commercial strains. This SIMILAR TO U. S.

TOKIO Janan Is start assures a large, vigorous crop for hay end a good crop for seed. Home-grown fed can be sold for a wortnwniie ing something similar to the American grand jury system. premium. Clover and other seeds sold etail must nave germination na So called prosecution investigating committees are to be chosen by lot nuritv tests to guard purchasers amon registered voters to review against weed seed and poor germination. Those tests are made by the orosecutors' decisions whether, to pro State Department of Agriculture at secute or dismiss cases and to advise- JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR ill' C-i- I Tt A Mf A zJUti on improving conduct of the pro Harrismurg.

FIVE FACTORS INFLUENCE secutors' RESULTS FOR HATCHERY Committee members will serve six Five factors management, breed months, beine Daid only for their ing. feeding, housing, and mechanical travel, food and lodging expenses. Proceeding will be secret. influence fertility and and determine the kind of results the hatcheryman will get, as a clue to RANDED MAN ST nuzzling variations in numbers of iYI chicks that hatch. CY ROOF IC The age of breeders, ratio of males to females In-the breeding flock, and BILLINGS MVfBiU JO, health of the stock affect fertility.

scoled his apartment roof to shovei Housing and mechanical factors must heavy and worked hi; wav toward the neak. be right and birds or normal size. Eggs held longer than one week decrease their hatchability. Ten days is With the job done, he found the roof had become an ice-glazed slide and the longer he looked at it from his the limit for good results. Since high hatchitiltiy is ar.

inherited trait, good stock is important. Feed influences health and production and must con perch at the top, the more convinceo he became that descent to his ladder would be downright foolhardy. So he remained astride the ridgepole tain proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Eggs must be gathered often and until dark when a sympathetic on held in cool moist, rooms. Incubators looker called the fire department and the firemen cranked up a ladder long nough to reach him.

have become nearly foolproof, yet are Influenced by the person who operates them, by conditions in the 'rv. XvITMl1 Automatic Gas Water Heater. hy I i Y- AWM yo modemiae your i of iotb YvPill lthroom, before you get CT Fl- fA- I Incubator room, and by external fac tors, such as weather and electric 14,000,000 "JalopiesM Threaten Fuel Supply power supply. The Pieck Vacuum Blower Glenn Ellenberger, ass't. co.

agent CINCINNATI INS) An estimated HANDWORK SAVES PRISONER I 111 protected Automatic Irae Water 1 i Heaters now at your plumber's, I dealer's or local eas company A. I4 a- 14,000,000 "Jalopies" surviving in the United States were recently cited as a threat to America's fuel supply by Powel Crosley, Jr. The head of Crosley motors claimed that pre-1938 autos, 880,000 of which are present in Pennsylvania, an unquenchable thirst for gasoline. Crosley explained that such mobile "scrap heaps" are averaging only JOHANNESBURG (K) When the answer to "your unloading probllms if you. own a field chopper for grass, hay, corn.

Can also be used as a hay drier. No extra expense for unloading devices. i iH 500 Punds Pr minute You'are invited to fome an inspect this blower for your approval. On i display at jPIlE 51-M MEYERSDALE, 3 DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO a native dock worker was locked ac-cidently In one of the chambers of a Cape Town refrigerating plant he realized he would be dead the next half the miles per gallon than when NOW-AMAZING NEW RUST PROTECTION morning if he didn't keep moving. ,1.

-II io ne spent the night shifting a huge stack of fruit boxes from one first assembled. He added that an estimated 16 billion gallons of gas were wasted by them last year. side of the room to the other and MANUFACTURES LIGHTS HEAT GO. SOMERSET, PA. In the new gas water heaters a revolutionary magnesium alloy rod stops electro-chemical action on tanks to prevent rusting.

Now yon erexfl ymn of took life citra yean of dean, wt-frcc yatct then' back again. Next morning he was still alive but Ellas Howe invented the sewing perspiring from his exertions. machine..

The Daily American from Somerset, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.