Jealousy [r.t + reader] - CHAPTER NINE® (2024)


[of a person. unable to think clearly; bewildered]

Everyone had gone down to the lake, except for you of course... Well and Richie. You couldnt bare to leave your tent. Your hair was an absolute mess the bags under your eyes were worse than they had ever been. The past four hours had been spent in the privacy of your tent with a book in your hands, Pet Cemetary, to keep you company.
The only thing keeping you sane for now.

As your eyes scanned over each word in the book you mumbled it slightly, like an echo from your thoughts.

Despite the book being horror it calmed you to read it. You had alwaus had a slightest of thought that you wanted to be a writer. It fascinated you.

When the faint sound of one of the tents opening rang through your ears you paused. Knowing it was most definetly Richie you closed the book, listening a bit closer.
You knew that it would make things worse if you walked out, but that little voice in the back of your mind told you to do it.
Trying desperately to ignore your instincts you sit and wait in the tent, listing to the noise coming from around you.
You could here the faint crunching of twigs and leaves behind your tent. Then the familiar smell of a lit ciggarette not to long after.

'Damn, i could really go for a cig'

You used this as an excuse to see him, at the time you thought it was a good idea.

You carefully unzip the tent and walk out, being greeted by the chilly air. It wasnt helping that you were only wearing Eddies Red shorts he let you borrow, and a baggy sweater.
You shivered and grabbed your pack of Cigs and a small black lighter from your pocket. Your fingers were shaking due to the cold making it incredibly difficult to get the lighter to work.
"sh*t" you muttered at your fourth failed attempt.
You continued to struggle, that was until you noticed two beat up sneakers make their way towards you. Glancing back up to further investigate you realized it was Richie.

A ciggarete in between his busted lips. The bruise covering almost his entire eye. He gave you a week smile and took the lighter from your hands.
He flicked the lighter once and it worked.
"T-thanks" you muttered holding your ciggarette up to the lighter.
It began to burn.
You placed your lips around the cig and took a drag, blowing the smoke into the air watching the thick smoke rise. People said that each Ciggarette you smome takes seven seconds off your life. You didnt mind though, smoking made you feel something that you couldn't feel before. Maybe it did kill you, but you really didnt mind.

Richie glanced down at your face, narrowing his eyes a bit.
He lifts up his hand and presses it against your cheek, causing you to flinch at his soft touch.
His long fingers graze along the deep cut on your skin.
"I did this, didnt I?" He asked, his voice raspy and week.
You nodded your head slightly, not breaking eye contact with the boy.

"Its going to leave a scar" he mutters as his hand gently breaks contact with your skin.

Richie then walks back into his tent, you stand there stunned in silence. What just happened?


You were still sitting outside when everyone got back.
"Nice shorts Y/n" Bill comented causing you and Eds to both blush.

"f*ck off Denbrough, those swim trunks arent even yours, they're Stan's" Eddie retaliates, making Stan flip him off jokingly.

"Whatever..." Bill mutters ploping down beside you.
You glance over at him and give him a small smile.

"Whats up?" He whispers tying not to get the attention of the others.
You mutter a quick 'nothing' and go back to twiddling with your fingers.
"Im not an idiot, whats wrong?" He asks again.
You roll your eyes and dont respond. You could practicaly feel his eyes burning into your soul.

"sh*t. What do you want?" You say with an annoyed tone.
Stan gives you a 'bitch stop playing dumb' look and you sigh in defeat.
"Fine, im just- Its Richie.... I dont know how to feel...." You say.
Bill gives you a sympatgetic look and wrapps an arm around your shoulders.
"Listen y/n.. What Richie Did was sh*tty, it really was but if you still love him then go for it" you smile at Bill and pull him in for a hug.
"Thanks Bill, you're great... But i cant.... Richie hates me now"
Bill frowns
"If Richie had any feelings towards you it most defenitaly wouldnt be hate, if you ask me he seemed jealous"Bill stated, seeming very confident in his answer.
"Wha- why would he be jealous?!" You exclaimed, completly unaware of what Bill was hinting at.

"You and Eds, your paractically inseparable i wouldnt blame him if he thought you were dating" Bill said glancing over to Eds as he spoke.
'sh*t' you thought.
"What? No.... Me and Eds? Thats-that's ridiculous" you say.
Bill gives you another knowing look.
"You kissed... Didnt you?" Bill asked, already knowing the answer.

"We- we may have had a moment..."

Bill nodded his head. Gave a week smile. Your face was red with embarassment.
"I ended things though. I just dont know how to feel..." You continue, Bill was a good listener.
"When you kissed Eddie how did you feel?" Bill asks.
You shrugh your shoulders.
"Good I guess... Good" you say glancing doen at the ground.
"Now, how did you feel when you were kissing Richie?"
Your face emidiatly heats up. Memories from before coming back.
"Amazing, like I was in cloud nine" you answer, unable to keep the wide smile off your face.
"I think you just answered your own question..." Bill said as he stands up. He shoots you a quick smile and walks off towards Stan who was laying in the grass, bird watching as usual.
You sigh and throw your head into your hands.

'what am I doing?' you mumble.

It was getting close to dark at this point.
"Hey Bev? What time is it?" You turn to her and ask. She quickly glances down at her watch.
"Seven-o-Three" she says shooting you a wide smile.
You quickly thank her and sit up frim your fold out chair to walk towatds the fire pit.
Yu grab tye lighter out of your pocket and go to start the fire, but soon relize there is very little fire wood.
You sigh to yourself and grab the flashlight off the picnic bench.
You turn towards where Eddie,Ben,Bill,Bev,Stan and Mike were all sitting.
"Hey guys im just going to go get some fire wood!" You yell, getting multiple 'have funs' or 'okays" from the group.
You chuckle slightly and walk out into the dim forest.
As you begin to pick up small logs and twiggs from the surrounding area you hear twigs snaping in the distance.
Assuming its just an animal you continue to collect sticks.

As you begin to stand back up, after dropping a stick, you feel a hand cover your mouth.
Panic insues as you struggle to get away from the persons grip, you were too stunned to even process if it was a man or woman. You began to kick and wiggle trying desprately to get out of their gripp. It was no use, they were to strong.

As you kick and scream, the sound being muffled by their hand, they push you up against one of the nearby trees.
They slowly let go of your mouth, still pining you against the tree.
Just as your about to scream for help you glance up, emediatly shuting your mouth.

"Richie what the f*ck!?"



Also i changed my username. If ur confused i used to be Unrelateable_. How'd ya like the new name?

Jealousy [r.t + reader] - CHAPTER NINE® (2024)


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Article information

Author: Velia Krajcik

Last Updated:

Views: 6155

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.