American Voices With Alicia Menendez : MSNBCW : March 18, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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barrett on what more needs t be done to shore up our bankin system this is american voices. we begin this hour wit breaking news. donald trump declaring h expects to be arrested o tuesday in a post on his knockoff version of twitte truth social this is all in connection to the new york investigation int hush money paid to adult fil star stormy daniels just befor the 2016 election. now we should point out th manhattan da alvin bragg has not commenting on trump's post or the possibility of an indictment this week, trump's forme lawyer michael cohen testified before a grand jury in manhattan. back in 2018, cohen pleade guilty to making an illega payment to daniels to keep her quiet about an alleged affai with trump cohen had this to tie say abou trump's new comments t reverend al sharpton thi afternoon on msnbc >> the right thing to do is to leave it for alvin bragg when the indictment comes down we will all know

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look at the chaos that one tweet from donald trump ha caused >> nbc news reported on friday that law enforcement agencie had discussed possible securit plans in new york in case trum is charged with a crime. then, this morning, trum claimed his arrest is, imminen citing so-called illegal leaks he also told his supporters to protest and, quote, take our nation back. in a column for the atlantic tom nichols writes, quote, let us begin with the obvious thin that just happened this morning, donald trump threatened to someone a mob fo the second time in two years t his defense. trump and his -- call for protests means. the last time he rallied his faithful supporters this way they stormed the u.s. capitol, which resulted in death an destruction and many, many prison sentences joining me now from palm beach florida, nbc news capitol hill correspondent garrett haake. garrett haake, what is trump see teams saying about his declaration of unrest? >> alicia, his legal team is saying that if he is indee

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indicted, they will go by the, buckle at least the book tha exist for a former president being indicted, something we'v never seen before. they indicated, i, believe h will turn himself in we will see him in court i lower manhattan and that the will try to handle things as kind of normally as possible for a situation that lacks any precedent in the america criminal justice system. now, he's political advisers are thrilled at this moment, quite honestly they are doing everything they can to turn this to hi political advantage. he is fundraising off of it. they are trying to essentially freeze or force his politica rivals within the republican party to either pick trump or democratic da, new york city sort of turning rivals int supporters in a moment where trump can make himself loo like the victim, a political position which he is ver comfortable. in and so, we have seen once again the way -- as we saw, like, in 2017, how single tweet can turn to political news cycle to donald trump. so, they are very comfortabl in this position politically again not, knowing anythin about the substance of a

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indictment or if one is even really coming, tuesday or an other day, anytime soon. >> in addition to that singl tweet, you have all his backup singers, you have mccarthy graham, pence. talk to me about what you ar hearing from trump allies, fro other republicans about possible indictment. >> yeah, mike pence, who, week ago, made it a point to talk about the importance of trump being held accountable b history for his role in januar 6th, today said that thi indictment, if there is indeed one reminds him of what he called the political hoax of russia lindsey graham has bee defending donald, trum suggesting that an indictmen from a new york prosecutor basically catapults trump back to the white house but kevin mccarthy is the bi one. and this is actually fascinating to me. because mccarthy has reall avoided formerly endorsing donald trump in his 2024 campaign but today he gave him an almos incan contribution by saying that he would direct the relevant committees in the house to investigate whether there is any federal interference in this da' investigation, in new york

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city that is extraordinary. you have the person who is second in line for the white house himself, the highest ranking republican in th country directing the house of representatives to get involve in what amounts to a count level prosecution. it's just an extraordinary moment now we will see with tha involvement actually looks lik by the time the house come back into the session. but even having kevin mccarthy step so quickly into the breac there to defend donald trump with the power of the house is unprecedented, a word that w have went out over the las couple of years but it continues to apply today in th circ*mstance >> it is a rare saturday when get to be joined by garret haake from palm beach, florida no less. garrett haake, thank you s much for being with us i want to bring in msnbc political analyst and opinio columnist for the washington post jennifer reuben, an former watergate prosecuto jill wine-banks she, is th host of the -- and you got lowell is with m

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-- several legal steps before defended is considered indicted walk us through those steps. and if there is indeed a indictment, how do you expec trump to proceed >> let me start with the secon part of this, which, is if h is indicted i expect him t self surrender he will not be arrested. as he said, illegal leaks sa that i'm going to be arreste on tuesday i guarantee you there will b no arrest procedure, and tha the only leaks came from him i terms of the process the grand jury will determine based on the facts and the law as explain to them by the da, whether to indict or not once he is indicted and th arrangements are made for hi to surrender, he will be fingerprinted, he will have mugshot taken and an arraignment will be arranged i also don't expect that there will be any bail require tha

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he would be released on his ow recognizance but there may be som restrictions on his activities speech is not normally restraint. but in this case where he ha basically said protest and w know that based on january six that the protests can be deadly, there may be some restrictio on his ability to use social media for that purpose and then a trial date will b set and discovery will be ahea and there will be a trial. and under all the rules of the process that he is entitled to the evidence will be presented and i think that based on what we have seen so far, that ther is a very strong case and very high probability that h would be convicted >> all right, we are going t come back to that question i promise, hugo lowell, it strikes me - on friday, we had nbc news reporting that multiple la

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enforcement agencies wer preparing for the possibility. tell me what your sources ar telling you about what that ca look like >> yeah, it was actuall in response that nbc repor that trump went through social and decided he was going t send out a post. i think it kind of reflects th anxiety in trump world right now. and especially with trum himself. they like to make a big poin about how this is going to hel his campaign and it's going to break in campaign finance an it probably will but i think there's an element where trump is genuinely afrai and the fact that he is goin on truth social and now callin for protests, i think, that is something that law enforcement is gonna take very seriously and we've heard already that the secret service is taking a very seriously they don't want to repeat on january 6th and the fact tha -- basically echoes on the term of january six, i, think has - the service secret service especially on. highlight alert. >> we are talking with frank for lucy earlier on the show - but jennifer reuben, i want to ask you, you had michael reube saying this about -- take a listen. >> today i was there with

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friend of mine for lunch super, super bright guy an well educated. his comment to me was very similar to what the question that you are asking. how is it that these tikto type of a case is going to b the first impression that we have as americans for president to be indicted first time in u.s. history again, the answer is, the la is the law the same way under the aisle component -- the alcona theory. they could not get him for murder, racketeering, extortion, they could not get him for bootlegging or any of the othe crimes they got him for this. because, rest assured, alvin bragg is not making a mistake. i'm >> jennifer rubin, i wan to know if you agree with this analysis but i also want t make sure i get you in on what we have heard from republicans from kevin mccarthy to mik pence. >> well, starting with that, it's reprehensible they know exactly what happene on january 6th they know that this is a cal to their most extrem supporters now i think they are going t be badly disappointed becaus many of those supporters are i

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jail right now this has not been building there's no big lead up t organize this. so whatever protests break out i certainly hope and expec they would be very sporadic an very small so, he may be embarrassed, frankly, after having called for people to protest. as far as mccarthy and the others, it is really reprehensible. they certainly know what has transpired before. are they joining in inciting a riot my goodness, mike pence was th one whose life was put i jeopardy and he is the one who is now trying to suggest that this is a political prosecution? it's somehow improper in som fashion? so all of those republicans wh are speaking out are reall acting just as they did on january 6th, which, is spendin ally, inciting potential violence, showing contempt for the law. and it really is reprehensible nancy pelosi put out a

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statement to that effect and i would hope that th senate majority leader and the senate - the house minority leader do a well and i would hope that la enforcement responds that it i never appropriate to use violence or to try t intimidate prosecutors >> before i pivot to georgia which i'm desperate to do, hug lowell, because i want t remind us all that we have sor of multiple avenues here t accountability - you had some new reporting thi week about prosecutors in ne york >> yeah, so we learned that th southern district of new york, the u.s. attorney's office there, was investigating trump social media company where the parent company - trump media. and what they were looking a was potential money laundering because there was 1 millio dollars in emergency loans tha trump media got in 2021 in 202 that appear to have ties bac to russia. and the ties, basically, if yo go through the people wh control these various offshore entities, it goes back to relation of a putin ally calle alexander smirnoff he's now currently the head of asma port -- in russia and he's a close all

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of vladimir putin. and from what we understan after the u.s. attorney' office here in new york at the tip they started investigating the -- >> okay. so, there's multiple piece moving in new york jill wine-banks, to say nothin of what we are watching out of georgia, that investigation, that federal special counsel probe into trump's action to overturn the 2020 election, ho could accountability in any of these cases deter future american presidents from actin above the law? >> it's such a great question. because one of my deepes regrets is that we were no able to indict richard nixon i believe if he had been indicted, if he hadn't bee pardoned, then he would have been indicted or possibly woul have been indicted after h resigned and there would have been precedent for doing it and we would not be having all this hubbub about, oh, can you it's so awful? that we can't do it -- many countries have indicted

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and i think that it is the onl way to deter a future presiden to make them understand that they are not above the law, is to proceed - now i say that only on the condition on the facts and allow cohen side - that there are enough fact that are admissible in evidenc in the courtroom that wa support every element of any o the crimes that are charged. and certainly, the manhattan da's case is step one. but as you said, they're still georgia, and they are tw federal ones, both for mar-a-lago and for january 6th and the penalties ratchet up a you go beyond this one in term of what is a more seriou threat to our democracy. but the law is the law michael cohen said it this morning on msnbc and he is right. the law is the law and you can't let anyone get away with a violation of any law. because, if you do, you ar saying he is above the law

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and so i think it's the way to proceed is to go to an indictment, assuming that yo are competent, that you have enough evidence to b persuasive to a jury >> here's the thing, jennifer, this is all happening in the shadow of the 2024 presidentia election and i want to make sure clea to our viewers that when i'm talking about 2024, i'm no talking about this as a hors race, right. it's not the way you would narrowly talk about campaigns and politics we are talking about it very much tied to this question o our democracy, and upholding our democracy. i wonder - if you think we are looking at multiple trump indictments, ho that then changes the contours of both the republican primary and then that general election >> i do think there will b multiple indictments and i agree entirely with jill that simply because he may hav committed worst crimes, yo don't let him off of lesse crimes if you are, for example, sinking a prosecution fo murder, if a guy gets caught drunk driving in another context, before that, you don' just let him go because yo

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have bigger fish to fry. so, he must be held accountabl for each violation and each surest diction -- new york has obligation to its citizens to enforce the law. now, when he - as i believe he will be -- indicted, shouldn't republican take this seriously? shouldn't they look at the prospect of having someone behind bars and look at th facts as the grand juries in these various cases have set out? i would hope so. but frankly, i'm not at al convinced that they will be. there is a certain segment o that party that is so far from the -- so far from the respect of rul of law, so divorced from democratic - small d democratic values -- that they may vote for him anyway and i think this will also be test for the other candidates. i mentioned mike pence what about desantis? what about the rest of them? they should be urging calm they should be urging that w should let the law play out. let the grand jury do its job.

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let the prosecutor do it its job. let the trial judge an ultimately the jury -- and that's the only way ou system is going to work. and if they join in in fanning the flames, they are, i think, implicitly, frankly, disqualifying themselves a well >> which is what we have see so far - jennifer rubin, jill wine-banks, hugo lowell, thank you so much -- next, the silicon valley ban still causing ripple effects throughout the world o finance. california democrati congresswoman amy bera on wher we go from here. -- potential security concerns former president trump i indeed indicted. but first, jessica layton is standing by with a look at the other stories we are watchin this hours at msnbc. jessica? >> hi, alicia menendez -- the memphis police superviso who is on the scene when tyr nichols was beaten to deat reportedly retired wit benefits -- seven other officers involve in that deadly traffic sto were fired after the inciden and five were charged with second degree murder this supervisor, though, has not been charged

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a 6.8 magnitude earthquake rocked ecuador's second larges city, killing at least 1 people and damaging multiple homes and buildings. tremors were also felt i northern peru. and thousands of people in france are protesting emmanuel macron spent uniform it would raise the retiremen age from 62 to 64. today, police in paris banne rallies at two hotspots, citing, quote, serious risk of disturbance and public order and security but the move did not sto demonstrators, as they turne to other places to protest i'm jessica layton there is more american voice coming up after this break right? uhh...nope. intuit quickbooks helps you manage your payroll taxes, cheers! with 100% accurate tax calculations guaranteed.

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nbc news reporting unorthodo lending practices may have contributed to the bank' failure. meanwhile, federal prosecutors have launched an investigation into svb, amid new concerns on the health of large banks. on friday, svb's parent compan filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy the stock prices at th california-based first republi bank dipped by over 30%, eve after a 30 billion dollar cash infusion from jpmorgan chase morgan stanley and other large banks. joining me now, california representative tommy bera, congressman. thank you so much for bein with us first. i promise we are going to be talking about -- in ukraine but i've got to ask you you have the forme

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president claiming that he i going to be indicted on tuesday, calling for his supporters t protest, and then you have kevin mccarthy, mike pence senator graham, all rallying t his defense. what does that say to you? it's chilling. it reminds me of january 6th and what happened after th election in november of 2020 i would hope that th republican leadership acts responsibly here let the grand jury do what the grand jury is going to do. most of us already - feel like trump -- former president trump obviously paid off storm daniels that no one should b above the law. and let this play out -- >> i'm going to turn now t silicon valley bank, which i did promise you we would tal about. in the midst of the collapse you have senator warren, congresswoman porter introducing a bill to try to create more oversight fo

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banks. your thoughts on the legislation? is that enough what do you think we need to see change to avoid watching this again >> i think a couple things tha we should do - its is this isolated to specific bank that we need t -- protect industry start-ups and -- specific industry also but potentially it's a bad mix of assets. or is it is something systemic so, i'd certainly support th financial services committee o legislation that did a look at those banks on twitter, thos smaller, mid-sized banks community banks, and so forth. let's be careful because the two big to fai banks are little bit different than credit unions and others. but again, i do think we shoul see if this is isolated or i this is something more systemic >> to your last point there, i think we are still at the poin where there are more questions than there are answers and there's now a hearin scheduled on silicon valle bank for march 29th, the congressional hearing. i wonder what questions yo

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have, what it is you would hop to learn from that hearing >> i mean, there's a coupl things that i would want t know did the investors fo leadership of silicon valley bank no what was happening we see the stories that some o the leadership sold stock, the got bonuses, et cetera that would be a little bit disconcerting right now. in addition, was this, again specific to this bank that was heavily invested in th start-up industry? heavily reliant on venture capital money et cetera? or is there something more systemic that puts other mid sized community banks at risk? and do we have to actually ste in and write new regulations i a -- before we see anything else? >> turning to russia, next wee you have president vladimi putin hosting chinese presiden xi jinping for diplomatic talk in moscow -- that was of course an ounc

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before you had the icc announcing its look at the president of russia. i just wonder if you think tha changes she jinping's calculus and choosing to visit and -- the potential of china as potential broker here? >> i sure hope it does chang what xi jinping is going t look at. what vladimir putin is doing with, ukraine what he is doing kidnapping children, takin them away from their, parent taking them away from russia i'm glad that the icc did what it did this is a war crime. vladimir putin is a wa criminal and should be hel accountable. i would hope that the premie of china would think - have second thoughts about going in visiting with a war criminal that's it, i don't expect that to happen. and again, this is just goin to be a difficult situation. so -

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>> congressman ami bera, first time on the show thank you so much for bein with us. next - national security preparations are underway for a possibl trump indictment of the former president says he will b arrested tuesday what michael cohen says trum was trying to do with that latest claim and later, in 2024, democrat will be up against what coul be the most extreme politica party in american history. we talk to former lieutenant governor and - steve bullock. what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (avo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar, and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children.

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-- and earlier today, trump called, claimed without evidence o truth social that illegal leak indicated he was - with me now is frank figliuzzi an msnbc national security analyst and former assistant director for counter intelligence at the -- i've got to say, sorry to you, this was supposed to be a da off. but of course, as soon as heard this news, i said, pleas make sure i am able to talk to frank figliuzzi today. i want to understand two things, frank. i want to understand the indications that are being given to these securit agencies, that make them wan to put these preparations in place in the first place and your sense of what those preparations could look like >> so, we've all learned fro january 6th what this should not look like moving forward and i think what you jus rattled off, alicia, the fac that the fbi's joint terrorism task force in new york i involved in this, and all this multitude of agencies across

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jurisdictions is involved is already more than, really, wha we saw happening in th preparations for january 6th so, a security or threat assessment has been open that's good stuff. that did not happen, by the, way in preparations for th verification of the electora college vote on january 6th. so, that's good. but here is why there is a concern. we have a track record wit this former president. donald trump can and has incited violence through his rhetoric and his planning in his intentions he is starting to show signs that he, of course, is going t fight these charges if, they come, and that's his right and he's going to bring others with him to fight. and so we begin to wonde whether we are going to go bac to what happened in that rally before january 6th, where he said, about 20 times, fight or fighting about 20 times, t take back the country. so, we know what the track record is. --

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what does it look? like it looks like an all-ou national intelligence gatherin effort, who is coming to new york, who is planning, who i talking, who is chatting but as we all learned, fro january 6th, there i impediments to - in that. we don't have the tools and th laws that allow us to truly ge out in front of violence befor it happens >> we'll, to that point, i wan to ask you about something tha michael cohen said here you have trump's former personal attorney, michael cohen, saying this about trump calling for protests specifically on truth social take a listen. >> not only does he want there to be a another violen protest. he is also looking to do the great grift, continue the grea grift, and obtain campaign contributions, off of this oh, they are attacking you favorite president send me $5, ten sent me $10. it's all part of the great grift. >> i want to hear your thought frank, about the great grift but i also want to talk abou

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truth social, and the fact tha that is where he is spreadin this message fairly, it gets amplified. because he says, it people pic it up. but sort of -- who is that core audience that he is speaking to when he says come protest >> right it's the folks he knows ar going to heed his call they're going to come out an do it because they have done i before and they are signed up and members of true social but let's expand this out. what else happened in the last two days he is back on twitter. he is back on facebook he is back on youtube. and of course, these socia media platforms are saying look, we've got a guy runnin for president. and we don't want to suppres him. yet, we've got to monitor this for the incitement of violence so, there is an acute challeng now moving ahead it's not just about trut social it's all across these platforms, and rest assured, he is ha already tweeted on twitter, i' back, two words. there will be a lot more tha two words coming that's part of the challenge law enforcement faces, is he

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has a broad platform now t incite violence. >> i wonder, frank, what happens -- again, he's making this claim, the da, is not given comment o this - if he were to be indicted, h has already made these calls for protests and if kind of nobody shows up for you, as an intelligenc person, what does that tell you? >> you know, this is a great question because i really think we ar going -- this isn't is going to face test, right? this is kind of a stress tes that bank's face, when they ar regulated. this is dumb is going to b tested in the upcoming days, weeks and months, as not onl the manhattan da, maybe roll out charges, by maybe fulton county georgia, and maybe jack smith on the federal level rules out charges -- and we need to see if we pas distrust test. what does it mean? to the american people turn ou and respond and heed the cal to violent protest from trump? maybe, maybe not but we cannot hope and cross our fingers. that is not a plan we have got to get it right on

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the law enforcement side despite the fact that th speaker of the house and marjorie taylor greene are all saying that this is an abuse o power. they're calling for inquiries, right? the odds are stacked against law enforcement succeeding here and we've got to get those odd better to get this right >> crossing our fingers is indeed not a plan. frank figliuzzi, as always thank you so much for taking the time to be with us next, as republicans cell dark, apocalyptic vision o america, what are democrat proposing as an alternative? plus, more on this breakin news, trump claiming he will b arrested in just days fo paying hush money to storm daniels.

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gloom and at least one possibl indictment to the 2024 cycle democrats are trying to brin back hope. a new ad campaign boosting president biden in four swin states, contrasting his policy wins with gop culture wars >> biden passed bipartisan legislation to build thing here in america again, lower prescription drug costs and ca insulin at $35, and always protect social security an medicare but now, he is battlin extremists with a differen agenda maga republicans who oppos these common sense investments -- >> joining me now, forme governor of montana, steve bullock. he's the co-chair of the american bridge to the 21s century, the organizatio behind these ads governor, bloomberg report

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this is the biggest ad buy i the presidential race so far we talk a lot about how ther have been all these policy winds. you have seen the same polling i have seen. there is a disconnect betwee the policies that the democrat in congress -- this president - have pushed forward, and the american peoples perception, both that that work has been done, and that it's impactin our life do you think these ads can close that gap >> look, alicia, it's a start, right? as you note, we need to make sure that all americans know who actually has their back. and what we have seen over the last years is president bide really sort of building back from the bottom up we have seen record setting ne job creation and we have seen fighting to lower drug prices and ca insulin. well, what we've seen on the other side is the exac opposite, not only protectin social security and medicare certainly not voting to allo the federal government t

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negotiate drug prices. prices so, what we need to do - and that's, why an america bridge, we started in four states mostly rural areas -- reminding people who i actually fighting to make thei lives better and the, on the one hand, 2024 seems like a long way away but the time to still remindin people of who is still fightin for them, is today >> talk to me about those four states and talk to me about the choic to over indexed these in rural areas. >> yeah, we need to make sur that - and for a guy who lives in a exurban area, right, we need t make sure that all of this country knows that joe biden and the democrats are fighting for them we talk about health car issues whether that is a woman's righ for her bodily autonomy or dru prices - think about half the countie in this country don't even hav an ob/gyn -- the challenge challenges tha are faced by those extreme republicans, what they want to do, can meaningfully impac

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people in rubble rural areas - we have seen in rural areas, unfortunately, our last handfu of cycles, that the democrat brand isn't always good. but when people are actually talking about who is fightin for their interests, who i capping insulin prices - you can't live in a communit that does not have decen infrastructure, sewer an water. who is fighting for them it's the democrats and that is why, sure, a yea plus out, in some of these exurban areas, we are starting a reminder, that folks win out the day before election, hearing some extreme stuff coming before the republican and say, okay, they have money back they will remember the democrats actually have -- and president biden has thei back >> i am intrigued by the apocalyptic messaging coming from republicans because you don't have to reac that far back in history t know - you can just go to these las midterms where this was th same thing that they wer selling in the midterms. it did not work for out out fo them you have a lot of voters who just felt that they, in general, had become too extreme, that there was overreach in a cas

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of issue such as abortion. at the same time, there is going to be all of that. and then there is going to b the other big story that we ar watching today, which is, at least one possible indictmen of the former president -- i wonder, from your vantag point, how that scrambles th equation going into 2024 >> well, look. i think, in part, you mentioned, oh, they make this extremist message. but maybe, to be honest, tha is actually we are so much o the party is what seemed so extreme, to sor of mainstream america,who just wants to make sure that th communities are safe, you have a decent job, clean air, clean water, a good job -- so, the more that they are jus talking about these issues tha don't just impact every single person's life every single day they do look that much mor detached and between what may come down against former president trump and how much of that yield fighting actually be president trump, i think there is a lo -- provide people -

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who actually has your back and make life better it will be good. as we saw in 2022, right during the midterms, some of the folks said, well, now, it' going to be gas prices or it's going to be inflation. when all is said and republicans said on nationally what they have been saying i closed doors - because we want to take away the right for a woman to mak her health care decisions, and we want to do it across ever corner of this country, then i becomes that much more real fo folk folks >> former governor steve bullock, i appreciate yo taking the time to be with u on american voices next, florida's six-week proposed abortion ban coul impact women not only in the sunshine state but also wome around it. and we're on the breaking news we have been following - former president trump announcing that he would b arrested tuesday and no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. the high interest... i felt trapped. debt! debt! debt! debt! so i broke up with my credit card debt and consolidated it into a low rate personal loan from sofi.

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don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vison changes, or eye pain occur. if you have copd ask your doctor about breztri. >> florida republicans are one step closer to stripping awa reproductive health care for millions of americans. the proposed six-week ba advance in the state house thi week - and if it becomes law, it sure to impact women in surrounding states as well all of those states alread have six week or total abortio bans, leaving florida as the closest race for many of those women to receive care. joining me now, abortion car physician for planne parenthood southwest - dr. and mini timmaraju

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-- as you and i both know, most women do not know that they ar pregnant at six weeks. there are also some very clear specifications about the carveouts in this ban. talk me through what that is going to mean for you as a provider, and what it is going to mean for women in the state of florida and across the south. >> good evening, alicia. thank you for this opportunity to talk with you about thi important issue. yes, as you were saying, the politicians here have decide to add vance as a six-week abortion pan, which is extreme and it means that patients who may not even be aware that the were pregnant -- six weeks is very early in the pregnancy. by the time they even realiz they are pregnant, they may no have a chance to be able t access abortion care here in

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florida. and as you said, this ban -- a six-week ban here in florida means that patients from aroun the southeast will have to travel, potentially, eve further and or just may not be able to access care. every week, we see are seein patients from alabama, georgia texas, arkansas and louisian who travel hundreds of miles t florida which is the nearest place for them, often, t access care, so that they ca get the care that they need. certainly, the six-week ba will be devastating here and around the southeast >> here's the thing. i don't need to tell you i don't need to tell the doctor, this is nothing to do with improving health care for wome and for families this is all about raw politics we watch as christy noem sor of pressured ron desantis -- even further on abortion and this is a -- 15-week abortion ban in this

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state. so, from your perch, looking a this in terms of elections and politics, what is driving this and what does it mean? >> i think it's a race to th bottom there is this extremis republican fight to be the mos dystopian in their policy. what's really challenging, though, for ron desantis - he clearly wants to be president. and we know that the america -- eight out of ten americans support illegal access t abortion, and even in th republican party, a university of north florida study jus showed, the majority o republicans in the state oppos this ban so, it's really hard t understand the strategy will get ro desantis, potentially to the top of the republican primary. but it will not win him general election and this is the challenge that republicans are facing today and frankly, it's a challeng that, well, we welcome, becaus it makes it very clear for u what our job, is it makes th path for democrats and pro-choice champions muc

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clearer. >> dr. sujatha prabhakaran there's two things i want to ask you about. -- whether there will b exceptions for rape and incest but you will have to be able t provide documentation of something like a restraining order, which is such a extraordinarily high bar and at a time when you have very narrow window in order to receive care so, to be, this is echoes of what you've heard from other providers, we are in a momen what they need to be providing life-saving, here they are instead on the phone wit attorneys at the hospital or the clinic talking about whether or not this meets th legalese of what is allowed. that's one piece of. it it's also all happening a you've got a judge in texas an day now, going to make a rulin on the two major abortion pill across this country, and i kee reminding our viewers, jus because that judges in texas they are women in florida wh are relying on that medication who will not have access to it when you look at it all in the aggregate, what it is going to

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mean >> yeah, those are great questions. the exceptions there in th bill as written are very difficult for a patient to b able to meet i think about a few weeks ago cared for a young person who was in middle school and had been sexually assaulted by someone close to their family. and i think adding the burde of providing legal proof of an assault in that situation to what is already just extremely difficult for her and for he mother, i can't think of tha as being anything but cruel. there's really no medica reason for these bands that ar in place and that, when you ar talking about this mifepriston case, i just want to be clea that in that case it was completely politically motivated. the american medical

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association, the america college of obstetricians and gynecologists, these major medical organizations have com out and said that this cas that would overturn the fd approval of mifepristone is no medically sound and that i will harm patients and so they have come out against it and i is so hard to understand why there is political motivatio to do this, when we know, as many said, most people i florida -- over 64% - support access to abortion car and most or all cases. so, these bands are dangerou and hurt real people that we see every day. >> mini timmaraju, i've only got about 30 seconds left, but i've got to ask you abou wyoming becoming the first state to explicitly ban th abortion pill. are we going to start seeing more this >> absolutely what wyoming is doing, is, the

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had an abortion ban that stuck in court that a second abortion ban. the only clinic in wyoming tha does abortion doesn't throug medication abortion. so, yes, we are going to see more, this in the wake of this case in texas. i just want to add to dr. dr sujatha prabhakaran's comments -- mifepristone has bee authorized for over 20 years it safer than tylenol. this is a political witch hunt -- >> dr. sujatha prabhakaran and mini timmaraju, thank you both so much for your time. coming up, next hour on ayma -- more on the news we have bee following all day,ar wne president trump claiming o truth social that he will be arrested in the coming weeks stay with us

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that and the paycheck. for today, families jimenez, we'll see you back her tomorrow, 6 pm eastern for mor american voices. but for now i handed over to m colleague, ayman mohyeldin hello ayman. i'm >> sure you're like i, a he will cut this morning and here you are >> goodbye to that show. >> exactly, thank you my friend great to see you enjoy the best of your evening. good evening, welcome tool ayman, over the next two hours or bring you everything yo need to know about donal trump's statement that h expects to be arrested thi coming week. the legal, financial, political, and psychological angles to it all. we've got it all covered we're also gonna take you back to where it all started, 1 years ago, within allege affair and to figure out how w got to this point in time.

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